Thursday, March 04, 2021

Promise of Spring

It is freezing here in Atlantic Canada. March rolled in with its bitter, icy fury to remind us that Mother Nature decides on the seasons.  We may lament, wax and wane on the virtues of the seasons, lay out our expectations. but we truly have no control.

Life is like that, it rolls in like a season, some good, some bad, some mundane and others pierce the soul and leave you hollowed.  As I get older, I mark the seasons more by the losses, as anniversaries loom of loved ones lost, you remark to yourself the before and after. 

I could fall into clouds of melancholy. I have certainly asked the why's to why? I honestly don't know how you steer through life without faith. I am thankful to Jesus that he bears my laments, my anger, my indifference, my weaknesses. 

I sit here writing for the first time in a very long time, looking out the window to the cold, windy day that March lays on our doorsteps. I wonder how people I love and care about are doing. Yet, I'm to fatigued and weary to pick up the phone because part of me doesn't want to hear how I may have let them down by ignoring them in all this craziness of 2020-21. 

I remain hopeful for spring. How can I not? Life is a gift, good, bad or indifferent, it is a gift to be treasured.  Each year brings with it change, challenges and incredible beauty. In all things, I will praise Him. He is the anchor to my chain, He is the compass that grounds me. 

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