Friday, May 25, 2007

Talking with God?

Every time I read Victor Shepherd's writings, I come away enriched. Maybe someday I will be lucky enough to take one of his classes....

Here is one small nugget from one of his sermons....

Every last human being is a dialogical partner with God. This isn’t to say that everyone is aware of this or welcomes this or agrees with this. It isn’t to say that everyone is a believer or a crypto-believer or even a "wannabe" believer. It isn’t to say that everyone is going to become a believer or be considered one. But it is to say that the God who has made us all can’t be escaped; can’t be escaped by anyone. God can be denied, he can be disdained, he can be ignored, he can be unknown, he can be fled, but he can’t be escaped. Not to be aware of this truth is not thereby to be spared it. To ridicule this truth is not thereby to be rid of it. The living God is always and everywhere the dialogical "Other", the relational "Other" of everyone’s life, even as there are many creaturely "others" in everyone’s life.


Andrew said...

You continue to amaze me Wendy. Your such a deep person while i remain stuck in the 80's ignoring God but knowing he's still there.

Love you baby!

onelittlemustardseed said...

Well I love that you still see me as 16!