Sunday, June 17, 2007

My Mother is Going to Church Today....

Just writing that statement is amazing...our family is the type that treats church as a place you go for weddings, baptisms, and donate money so that you can have the appropriate church funeral...and that is about it.

Don't get me parents believe in God and Jesus...but to them...religion and church equals bondage and strife. This was why we left Northern Ireland to get away from the troubles and to close the door on "religion" and church.

So, for the few readers that actually read my might know about my lovely friends Shane & Alli who stayed with us when they moved here from NI. During their seven week stay, yard sales started and they started tagging along with me and my mum. This was really how my mum got to know them better. So, yesterday I mentioned that Shane would be speaking at our church and I jokingly said she should come and hear Shane speak...and as non-committal as ever she said she might.

Well, to my surprise, she just called and is coming with me to check him out! I think it is a hoot! Shane, you should take this as a true honour because in our house...this is a big deal! Now I just have to send up prayers that no one in our churh acts "funny" in that religious way....oh this is going to be good.....


Elle Jay Bee said...

Oh my goodness...I can't wait to talk to both of you!! Watch out for things falling from the sky, this is a special day!! Don't you just adore Mum?!!!

onelittlemustardseed said...

Yep, I sure do...she is definitely one unique, lovely woman!